Selected Doguments

A collection of selected articles from the DDW archives by founding editor Raz M'Taz and her successors Amicus Curiae and Sacagawea.

The current editor, Sacagawea, is also a Certified Guide and Medical Heeler.

Spring Fashions

"Fashion hounds" are a buzz with anticipation for the coming warm weather. This year's fashions promise to be some of the most exciting ever and the DDW reporters have the scoop (required by local ordinances in some municipalities).


At times Dogs Daily Wear (hereafter sometimes referred to as DDW) comes accross unusual or elegant recipes. DDW's editor in chief and the staff of roving reporters often encounters such morsels during their travels.The staff of DDW welcomes suggestions from the dog of the family.

In addition, DDW staff seeks out the Best In Dining for the human companions of its renown Field Dog subscribers. Reccommendations may be presented on little known, Four-Star Bistros in, for example, Antler North Dakota, Wolf Creek Wisconsin or Wyoming Minnesota.

Finally, best seasonal apetizers or entrees are listed for DDW subscribers or their human

DDW Headquarters Complex

Editor-In-Chief, Raz M'Taz on the right and city desk editor, Amicus Curiae, left shown waiting for George, assistant to the editor, to emerge with galley proofs from his private office.

Experienced Field Dogs

Experienced Field Dogs learn to spot flocks of Sandhill Cranes flying at very high altitudes. Amicus Curiae (city desk editor) positioned on the hood of the latest model hunting truck indicates the direction and the speed of such a flock.

What's New

Current Editor in Chief, Sacagawea, embedded in Iraq on operation Cold Duck

Dogumentary Dictionary

DDW Dogumentaries are somewhat technical in nature. As such, for the lay reader some of the terms may require explanation or additional references. A similar situation exists with magazines such as Popular Science, Scientific Amareican or PC Week.

Therefore DDW lists here terminoligy common to its investigative field. DDW welcomes suggestions or terms from subscribers.

A note from "Fruit Bat" the Webmaster

Email the editor!

Washington Post 2/21 editorial page

It's apparent that one of Sacagawea's Dogumentary subscribers sent her latest Dogumentary to the Washington Post